Wednesday, November 26, 2008

The Turkey is the Turkey, You Turkey

While the ToughPigs staff is off having our fill of cranberry sauce and awkward family moments, we thought we'd bring a little Thanksgiving joy into your homes. And as much as I'd like to stop by for some leftovers, we'll have to settle for a good old fashioned ToughPigs poll.

In our ongoing quest to humanize your food, thus making it that much more difficult to stomach (oh come on, it's not like the Muppets haven't been doing that since the dawn of time), we'd like to know: Who is your favorite Muppet turkey? Let's take a peek at the nominees!

The Turkey, from The Muppet Show. If you look past the humongous eyeballs, you'll see a gobbler who was almost dinner in the Danny Kaye episode, nearly skewered in the Arlo Guthrie episode, and a terrifying sight to Gonzo (whilst in the 'O') in the Mac Davis episode.
The Christmas Turkey, from Muppet Family Christmas. As far as I know, this is the only turkey to have been decked out in a driving cap, sunglasses, and tennis racket. Though he does suffer from multiple personality disorder, claiming to be both a dairy cow and a seagull, so it might be best to just disbelieve anything he says.
Taylor the Turkey, from Muppets Tonight. Known for being oblivious to the difference between an oven and a sauna, and for being one of the most spread-eagled of the Muppets, Taylor was featured in an episode of Tales from the Vet. According to Brian Henson, he was delicious.
The Turkey, from Sesame Street. This little guy was eaten by Grover. I haven't seen this episode, but it's still a pretty good guess.
Camilla the Chicken, from Studio DC: Almost Live. In what is arguably the worst production of the Muppets' long career, Camilla (magically, temporarily, and off-screen transformed into a turkey) provides the sole shining light by providing the straight line to the only funny bit in the whole episode. It went a little like this: CAMILLA: Blubalubala? GONZO: Yeah, blubalubala. Comedy gold or simply funny by comparison? You decide.
Big Bird. Often referred to as a turkey by Oscar, this bit of information was enough to fool Waylon Jennings into giving him a free ride. I really don't know who's more susceptible in this situation.
Gonzo the Great. He's kinda like a turkey, but not much.

Head on over to the ToughPigs forum by clicking here to vote for your favorite Muppet turkey! Gobble Gobble!

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