For your convenience (and mine), I buddied up the images with the album cover they're parodying. Give the images a click to see them in big-size.
This is one of my faves of the bunch, because it makes Bunsen look all creepy and New Agey. Kinda how you expect him to be in real life. It's too bad he's not an arm rod puppet, or else that'd be a Neat Thing.
It's hard to choose which of these is a better homage. The look on Grover's face is priceless, but you've got to admit that Bowie does look a bit like Beaker in the original album cover.
Does it count as an homage if Björk is already a Muppet?
There is no earthly reason that this hasn't already been turned into a t-shirt. I'd wear it every day.
There's something equally thrilling and terrifying about Dr. Teeth wielding an axe.
That's right, it's Flying Zucchini Brothers fan art. We salute you.
The odd part about this one is that the guy in the original album cover actually looks like a human version of Bunsen. The giant devil monster only resembles Beaker in passing.
Little known fact: Flavor Flav is tapped to play the lead in the upcoming Gonzo the Great biopic.
Naturally, this is not the first time Miss Piggy has parodied the Queen of Pop.
This piece is the most likely to be turned into a mirror and framed on my mom's bathroom wall. That's not necessarily a bad thing.
Funny, I always thought Cookie Monster would be the first to end up in an institution.
I could do without Rizzo holding a gun, but this is otherwise a fantastic piece. But is Henson really that bad of a neighborhood?
Check back in with us in a few days when we'll have more pieces from the Muppet Rawk gallery!
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