Today's book is the classic "Wait For Me," starring the pre-talking-in-first-person Elmo and Grover's Grandpa, who was never seen before and has never been seen since. Coincidence? Yeah, probably.
After you read the book, please head on over to the ToughPigs forum and share your thoughts. It's the perfect excuse to join the club if you've been lurking about. Plus, y'know, making fun of Elmo. Isn't that the kind of thing the kids like to do these days? Then, next week we'll post the funniest and most brilliant responses here on ToughPigs.com.
Enjoy your Sesame book, and don't say we never gave you nothin'!

Suggested Discussion Questions:
1. What is the theme of "Wait for Me"? Is it how to deal with inferiority? Or learning about proper first aid skills? Or maybe the sweet sweet satisfaction that comes with revenge?
2. Is there a natural balance of powers between Grover and Elmo? While one is up, the other is down, and never the twain shall meet. Or is Grover's Grandfather just playing the two monster kids like puppets from behind the curtain for his own enjoyment? I mean, what else are you gonna do with an AARP card?
3. Who are those guys in that funky band playing across the street from the zoo? Do you think they ever play at Birdland?

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